Mindfulness mentoring: Mindfulness practice support
Alison began practicing mindfulness in 2004. Personal practice has been an important part of her life. There have been many influences on her practice, particularly some of the teachers and mentors that have supported her. The support that she has received inspires her to offer one-to-one practice support. This can be arranged through the Mindfulness Network or by contacting her directly. Find out more about mindfulness mentoring and read her mindfulness mentor profile.
Mindfulness courses and teaching
Alison will be facilitating a deeper mindfulness: the feeling tone course for staff at the University of Exeter in 2025.
Alison’s background as a mindfulness teacher
Alison is trained and experienced to teach the following courses: mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for life (MBCT-L), deeper mindfulness: the feeling tone course, mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and mindfulness-based compassionate living (MBCL). Alison also offers one-to-one mindfulness mentoring (practice support).
Alison is a qualified occupational therapist with many years’ experience of working within mental health settings. She began teaching MBCT for people with a history of depression in 2004, within an NHS context. She was instrumental in the development of an MBCT service in north Devon. Also becoming MBCT lead in the AccEPT clinic at the University of Exeter from 2008 -2017. During this time, she was an MBCT therapist on several clinical research trials. Alison continues to teach as an associate at Exeter Univsersity. In 2018, she began teaching MBCL for people who had previously completed an MBCT group.
In addition, Alison has taught several MBSR courses for trainees and MBCT for life within a local school for the teachers and for staff in healthcare and university settings. In 2024, she is running a deeper mindfulness course for university staff.
Alison is a registered teacher with the British Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches BAMBA and adheres to their ongoing good practice guidelines.
Header image courtesy of Caitlin Evans