Firstly, why have I called it Vivid Mindfulness?
It is difficult to capture succinctly what I feel mindfulness has added to my life. One aspect is that it allows me to see life more clearly, more vividly. This means I can appreciate the detail, both from a wide perspective and close up. I can take in the joy and fullness of life, often through the senses. This same level of vivid awareness supports me to see moments of reactivity and patterns of the mind/body, so I can take a broader view and make more skilful choices.
Secondly, why launch a website now?
For most of my working life I have worked within large organisations e.g., NHS, Universities. About four years ago I moved from University employment into working for a charity, The Mindfulness Network, alongside freelance work. My freelance work still brings me into close contact with key organisations, as well as the independent angle, such as 1:1 supervision. This website has been in the ‘thinking about’ stages for several years. During a couple of weeks on furlough last year, I started the ‘planning’ stage, and this year moved into ‘action’. My intention is to have one place where I bring together the different strands of my mindfulness work.
Thirdly, what is my passion?
As you will see from the website, this is mindfulness-based supervision. This interest began in my early training to be a mindfulness teacher, where supervision played an important part in my learning and development. I feel enormous gratitude to my supervisors who shared their knowledge and experience and supported me to grow. I was fortunate to receive excellent supervision and have aspired to bring integrity into the supervision that I offer. My studies for my MSc and Doctorate centred around mindfulness-based supervision; a wonderful opportunity to immerse myself in this topic. I worked for some years with a dear colleague, Cindy Cooper, who shared this passion for MBS. My intention is to showcase the work that has evolved from this passion and collaboration with others.
Warmest wishes,